Wednesday, September 06, 2006

BriEf SuMmaRy..
My independent study will be focusing on the representation of teenagers on the show Sugar Rush which is broadcasted on Channel 4 at 10:50pm every Thursday. I took an interest in this particular area as I enjoy watching the show as it portrays a different story line to other programmes that are shown on TV. The show explores the world of Kim and her earth-shattering lust for the gorgeous and sassy Maria Sweet, otherwise known as Sugar her best friend. The show depicts the life of young Kim who is keen on discovering more about her sexuality and trying to come to terms with it. The show it self emphasis on the society around us and reminds people that being categorized as a Lesbian makes you normal than any other heterosexual person. I will be deeply focusing how the teenagers in these situations, are represented in society with particular focus on ‘Sugar Rush’.
Social Context: Society as changed and being gay/lesbian has being socially accepted by everyone. Nowadays it’s a trend to show gay/lesbian lovers or couples as it draws more people to watch the show.
Historical Context: The role of woman was just to be in the household looking after the children and keeping the house immaculate for their husbands. They were seen as sex objects and only useful to pleasure their husband. They were the weaker sex compared ti males.
Economic Context: This British drama is low budgeted compared to major hit shos such as friends and sex in the city.
Political Context: Most narratives act as metaphors.


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