Monday, September 25, 2006

These are the links i found on the module 5 section on the Macguffin Website that will help me with my independant study.
This Link here focuses on Gender, Race and Ethinicity. Since in doing the reprsentation of teenage lesbians this will be vital as i have to comment on women on a whole and what their role in society iwas seen as and what it is now.
As im focusing on Lesbians it vital to comment on how society views gays and lesbians. Recently, Lesbian and Gay roles have become popular within Tv Dramas and they seem to pull a large number of different audiences. For example, Will and Grace
The show Sugar rush deals with a young teenager trying to come to terms with her sexulity. Its some what a journey of her identity.
On this site i found an article on women representing women. This would be useful towards my indenpendant study as it talks about women.


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