Monday, October 09, 2006

BloG BuDdIeS...

My BlOg BuDdy from the other class is SaM...x

Sam is focusing on 'How are women are represented in sugar rush and in what way do the audience interpret the text'

We are both concentrating on the same text..
  • How are Women representated in Sugar rush?
  • Lesbians.. How are they represented?
  • Is society different to how it is?
  • Who is the audience? Since the show is at 10.50pm
  • Does the patriachal society still exist..?
My BLoG BuDdy from my class is Harpreet

Harpreet is focusing on how are the women of Big Brother represented?

This links to my independent study...
  • We are both studying women
  • Women like Nikki, Lia and Ashleign are Young British like my characters in Sugar Rush, Kim, Stella and Sugar.
  • Both the shows are broadcasted on Channel 4
  • Questions whether the media are still representing the typical blonde woman or have they moved away from that?


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