LauRa MuLveY... ' MaLe GaZe and HoW It ApPliEs To SuGaR RuSh...'
LAura MulVey's theory can be applied to 'Sugar Rush' in many ways as Sugar rush focuses on the representation of LesBians and Women in society. The show portrays a drastic change between the 1970's where women were usually shown to be play passive and helpless roles comapred to now where they play more dominant leading roles. However, Mulvey's theory can be subverted but still referred to.
To subvert Mulvey's theory, all chracters in Sugar Rush are females. The show focuses on the character Kim and her best friend Sugar who explore their teenage life to come to terms with their sexuality. As the audience we are postioned to indentify with the female chracters as they are the only characters presented. As Kim is the main character throughout the show as well as the voice over, as the audience we are forced to see everything from her perspective. This again, allows us to identify with her character and allows us to feel the feelings and emotions she is. As the narrative is driven foward, the audeince get an insight of Lesbianism as Kim confesses and discovers that she is an Lesbian. This also subverts mulvey's theory as no males chracters are there to identify with, only females.
Sugar Rush conforms to mulvey's theories in many ways but also tends to reject particular aspects. 'Sugar rush' seems to appeal more of an female audience than a male on. The directors glamorise Lesbianism by having explicit sexual scenes and dilemma that involve women and women in relationships. In certian scences the camera focuses on Sugar's legs and lips. Here Mulvey's theory can be referred to as the process of looking us scopohilic as parts of her body are fetishtzied which offers voyerestic pleasures to the audience.
As all the characters are female, they are fully aware of being part of the male gaze. The programme circulates the whole idea of sexuality, which means that frequent shots of parts of Sugar/Kim's body are fetished. They are there to be lookedatness, they are confident and know that they are there just for the male gaze. ( in this case, maybe even females as it features lesbians)
As mentioned previoulsy, only women feature in the programme, which subverts the whole idea of a patriachal society. Men in the media today do not obtain more power than women. They are equal, as woman play dominant and main roles in films and shows like Sugar rush and Kill Bill. They no longer play the passive roles but the roles that men would usually play.
LAura MulVey's theory can be applied to 'Sugar Rush' in many ways as Sugar rush focuses on the representation of LesBians and Women in society. The show portrays a drastic change between the 1970's where women were usually shown to be play passive and helpless roles comapred to now where they play more dominant leading roles. However, Mulvey's theory can be subverted but still referred to.
To subvert Mulvey's theory, all chracters in Sugar Rush are females. The show focuses on the character Kim and her best friend Sugar who explore their teenage life to come to terms with their sexuality. As the audience we are postioned to indentify with the female chracters as they are the only characters presented. As Kim is the main character throughout the show as well as the voice over, as the audience we are forced to see everything from her perspective. This again, allows us to identify with her character and allows us to feel the feelings and emotions she is. As the narrative is driven foward, the audeince get an insight of Lesbianism as Kim confesses and discovers that she is an Lesbian. This also subverts mulvey's theory as no males chracters are there to identify with, only females.
Sugar Rush conforms to mulvey's theories in many ways but also tends to reject particular aspects. 'Sugar rush' seems to appeal more of an female audience than a male on. The directors glamorise Lesbianism by having explicit sexual scenes and dilemma that involve women and women in relationships. In certian scences the camera focuses on Sugar's legs and lips. Here Mulvey's theory can be referred to as the process of looking us scopohilic as parts of her body are fetishtzied which offers voyerestic pleasures to the audience.
As all the characters are female, they are fully aware of being part of the male gaze. The programme circulates the whole idea of sexuality, which means that frequent shots of parts of Sugar/Kim's body are fetished. They are there to be lookedatness, they are confident and know that they are there just for the male gaze. ( in this case, maybe even females as it features lesbians)
As mentioned previoulsy, only women feature in the programme, which subverts the whole idea of a patriachal society. Men in the media today do not obtain more power than women. They are equal, as woman play dominant and main roles in films and shows like Sugar rush and Kill Bill. They no longer play the passive roles but the roles that men would usually play.
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